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+91 99 471 333 22
We, the TECHLEEPU Technologies team, recognise the importance of software development in this highly technologically advanced world. The word TECHLEEPU stands for "TECHnology LEader in Enterprise Planning and Utilization". Whatever your business and ideas are, we have a number of ways to make them a reality with simple and cost-effective solutions. We offer cutting-edge solutions that make efficient use of the most recent technologies.
Our company employs a highly qualified and experienced team of software and management professionals with a wide range of domain knowledge and expertise. We turn your concepts into online and mobile applications.
We provide a wide range of tailored services, including web-based online applications, eCommerce Web/Android/IOS, Web design & development, graphic design, logo design, digital marketing, SEO services, social media marketing, digital business cards, IoT, AI and more. Our team is highly skilled at utilising a wide range of tools, technologies, and system integration techniques to turn a dream into a reality.
TechLeepu Technologies has developed several software solutions which have functionalities that provide solutions for vendors and business operators. We have the specific domain knowledge both in finance and software engineering to address the complexities of functioning of the software.
Our Team

Leepu L Panicker
Founder & CEO
Arun Subramonian
Media Manager
Vyshnavi Purushothaman
Marketing & Financial Analyst - Canada
Social Network Engineer
Devika Sudheer
Design Engineer
Pranav L
Graphic Designer